About the VHLC & Education Programs

“The New Hampshire Veterans Heritage Learning Center offers a robust, creative, and interactive educational environment for students and the public to learn about the selfless service and sacrifice of our NH military veterans and their vital role in all aspects of our nation’s distinguished military history.”

The Veterans Heritage Learning Center, designed in 2015 and opened on November 11, 2018, honors our veterans by highlighting the military history of New Hampshire and the veterans who bravely served the country. The center has a range of exhibits that provide an immersive learning experience for visitors.

Once the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery opened, it quickly became a ‘living memorial,’ a place where family, friends, veteran’s groups, and students visited and learned about the generations of veterans buried there. It became clear that a facility to support education and awareness about our honored veterans and the crucial role they have played in securing our freedom was a missing piece at the cemetery. With input from all stakeholders, the concept and plans for the Veterans Heritage Learning Center were developed. The New Hampshire Veterans Cemetery Association initiated a $700,000 building campaign to complete the VHLC building and exhibits. Initially, funds supported the early planning and designing of the Center including the development of a documentary film ("A Living Memorial"), internal interactive and static exhibit plan, and construction of the 1200 square foot Learning Center core, attached to the back of the Administration building. NH Veterans Cemetery Association
Later, internal structures were built including the NH Heroes Kiosks, multi-media "Foot Locker theater" featuring hands-on exhibits and military items from various wars and services, and Interactive Learning Kiosks to complement the static “Journey of the NH Soldier” Modular Walls Exhibit

The VHLC is multi-functional, where the portable display walls and footlocker seating can be moved to accommodate various meeting needs, including a traditional classroom configuration. The VHLC has integrated educational learning objectives for teachers and students visiting the Cemetery & Learning Center. The State of New Hampshire owns the building in which the Veterans Heritage Learning Center resides.

The New Hampshire Veterans Cemetery Association is responsible for planning any improvements to infrastructure as well as supporting operations that benefit the Cemetery. Once a project is approved by the State, the NH Veterans Cemetery Association is responsible for raising funds from the private sector to support enhancements and programs. Veterans Heritage Learning Center is intended to have a ‘flexible schedule’ and have staff available to support the maintenance and development of operations, programs, and group visits.  Visitors to the Cemetery, including over 600 students annually, currently learn about and make personal connections with the over 10,700 NH veterans and family members buried on the grounds.

Programming and operations for the VHLC are supported through donations to the VHLC and an endowment fund to sustain operations. In 2023, the NHVCA hired a part-time VHLC administrator to help us attract and increase student and educational group visits to the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery each year. The Veterans Heritage Learning Center was officially opened to the public on November 11, 2018, to coincide with the 100th Anniversary of Veterans Day. Individuals, families, businesses, and foundations generously contributed to this campaign in a variety of ways allowing us to exceed our fundraising goals.







How to Donate to the Learning Center

ONLINE: Donations can be made online by clicking on the green "Donate" button at the top right of the screen, selecting "Heritage Ctr Donation" from the drop-down list, and entering the amount you wish to donate in the box on the right. Your credit card will be billed the amount you provide through a secure banking service, and you will receive a confirmation of your donation via email.

    PAYPAL: If you have a PayPal account, you can click on the PayPal logo to go to the donation page.



   BY CHECK: If you wish to mail a check, please make out the check to "NH Veterans Cemetery Association" and send it to:

NH Veterans Cemetery Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 626
Concord, NH 03302-0626
** Be sure to put "Veterans Heritage Learning Center Donation" in the memo field of your check.

We appreciate donations in any amount to support the Veterans Heritage Learning Center.  Your contribution will assist in our goal of bringing a continuing awareness to our rich Military heritage and the sacrifice of our Veterans who have served with honor and distinction.

Thank You!

NHVCA Board of Directors




Support the maintenance of the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery as a dignified, final resting place which honors all veterans and eligible dependents and reflects the State’s pride and gratitude for their service to the State and Nation.


We are proud to announce our Gold Level Transparency Standard 

from Candid


We are proud to announce our projects are partly funded by a grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.

Contact Us

NH Veterans Cemetery Association, Inc.
PO Box 626
Concord, NH 03302-0626

(603) 796-2026

Email: info@nhvca.org